The methods behind this data have changed over time. Be cautious comparing old and new data, especially before/after 2015. Read more here.
Explore interactive charts and maps that summarize key statistics about forests in selected area. Statistics – including rates of forest change and forest extent – can be customized, easily shared and downloaded for offline use.
Primary Forest loss in Tesso Nilo
From 2002 to 2023, Tesso Nilo lost 59.6 kha of humid primary forest, making up 89% of its
total tree cover loss
in the same time period. Total area of humid primary forest in Tesso Nilo decreased by 89% in this time period.Primary forest extent remaining
Primary forest loss
Area of tree cover loss within 2001 primary forest extent
Percent of 2001 primary forest area extent remaining
2001 primary forest extent remaining | >30% tree canopy
Tree cover loss in Tesso Nilo
From 2001 to 2023, Tesso Nilo lost 69.4 kha of tree cover, equivalent to a 87% decrease in tree cover since 2000.
Tree cover loss
Percentage of tree cover
The methods behind this data have changed over time. Be cautious comparing old and new data, especially before/after 2015. Read more here.
2000 tree cover extent | >30% tree canopy | these estimates do not take tree cover gain into account
Tree cover gain in Tesso Nilo
From 2000 to 2020, Tesso Nilo gained 1.86 kha of tree cover equal to 100% is its total extent in that time period.
Tree cover gain
1.86 kha
Tree Cover in Tesso Nilo
As of 2000, 33% of Tesso Nilo land cover was tree cover with >30% canopy density.
Tree Cover
79.6 khaOther Land Cover
2.09 kha
Datasets available here (Tree Cover 2000/ 2010 and Tropical Tree Cover 2020) use different methodologies to measure tree cover. Read our blog for more information.
2000 tree cover extent | >30% tree canopy
Weekly Fire Alerts in Tesso Nilo
Cumulative Fire Alerts in Tesso Nilo
Tree cover loss due to fires in Tesso Nilo
Integrated Deforestation alerts in Tesso Nilo
Fire alerts in Tesso Nilo
Historical Fire Alerts in Tesso Nilo